
crashn| Hang Seng S & P 500 ETF Listing Helps Hong Kong Become Asian ETF Center, AI Technology Promotes Industrial Growth

editor 2024-04-11 2 0

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Hang Seng Investment to launch Hong Kong's first US Stock ETF to track the S & P 500 IndexCrashnIt went on sale on April 23, codenamed "03195". Li Peishan is optimistic about the potential of the ETF market. Xue Yonghui believes that AI technology will help improve the productivity of enterprises. It is expected that the profit of the S & P 500 index will grow at an average annual compound growth rate of 7%.Crashn.4%.

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Hang Seng Investment launched Hong Kong's first US stock ETF to track the S & P 500, which will be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under the stock code "03195" on April 23.

Hang Seng Investment recently announced the launch of the Hang Seng S & P 500 Index ETF, the first US stock ETF product in Hong Kong to track the S & P 500 index. The product will be officially listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under the stock code "03195" on April 23.

Li Peishan, Director and Chief Executive Officer of Hang Seng Investment, said that with the growing demand for ETF products from investors, the ETF market in Hong Kong and the region has great potential for development. The company will be committed to expanding the ETF product line and diversifying from regions and themes. Hang Seng Investment has already launched the ESG-themed index, and this time it has introduced the S & P 500 index, which aims to provide investors with a wider range of active and passive investment products to help Hong Kong become an Asian ETF hub.

Xue Yonghui, Director and Chief Investment Officer of Hang Seng Investment, believes that the mainland economy is gradually recovering and a number of economic stimulus policies launched by the government have had a positive impact on the market. In addition, the mainland's growing market share in emerging industries such as civil drones, photovoltaic industry and wind power equipment has given new impetus to mainland exports. Although Chinese stock market valuations have fallen in recent years, emerging industries such as new energy vehicles, lithium batteries and solar cells still have growth potential and deserve investors' attention.

Xue Yonghui also pointed out that AI technology, as a major technological innovation, is promoting industrial change and helping enterprises to improve productivity. Earnings in all sectors covered by the S & P 500 are expected to grow against the backdrop of the rapid development of AI technology. According to market research, the S & P 500's earnings per share (CAGR) will reach an average annual compound growth rate of 7.4 per cent from 2023 to 2033. Especially in the current labor shortage environment, American enterprises will have a stronger incentive to accelerate the application of AI technology in order to improve cost-effectiveness.

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crashn| Hang Seng S & P 500 ETF Listing Helps Hong Kong Become Asian ETF Center, AI Technology Promotes Industrial Growth